Shamanic Spirit


 Encounter with the 4 elements

 Retreat in the depth of the forest

 Mayorca, January 30th to February 2nd

Gathering led by Toni HS Pachamama, in Spanish and translated to English


A gathering futher of the power plants to enter in the depth of the being and all it´s potential.

A connection with nature and the energetic forces that lyes within, where the participant will be able to awake the energy centers and to remember the path towards their own heart.


The Shamanic path is not exclusively power plants. The human beings can use them when they

don´t know yet to awake their own energy at their own will. Much more methods exist to awake the body´s sensitivite and get the energy flowing.


During the days of the rertreat we want to share advanced practices so you can go deeper through your path towards the spirit by yourself.


This retreat is open to anyone who wants to join in the shamanic path, but this is not for everyone. Some people thinks the Shaman, the plants, the therapist… will do the work for theyself. If you belive like this , this is not your retreat. This gathering is for brave ones who are willing to challenge themself with no need of something external. Nature and I, hugging each other!!


We´ll start Thursday 30th January at 5pm, in finca Sacha, outside of the village Lloret de Vista Alegre in Mayorca.

You can arrive by car or bus up to Lloret, where then we can collect you.





5´00 pm Personal interview when you arrive


6´00 pm Welcome and opening of the retreat.

              We begin the practices, because words are superficial, the path is done with the practices,        from the will and the decision.





The uprising of the earth.


Mother Earth provide us with all we need for our process of evolution, all what we need is in her, we have just to go back to her, learn to relate to her energy, lift the energy from earth towards our body and reopen the bond tha always was there.


Shamanic breathig journey


We all breath, breathig is the most accesible tool to expand our consciousness. This practice awaken memories, opens energetic channels in the body, transform energetic toxins, free us from energetic parasites, focus the mind and opens a bridge towards the Spirit



Lucid dreaming practices


Lucid dreaming is to consciously wake up in the dream and walk, to observe, to learn, gather energy. The difficulty to arrive to lucid dreaming is just energetically, when we have enough energy everything is possible. How to lucid dream and what to do there is what we will share with you so you can develop your dreamer.





We begin at 7´00am. The silence of the mind, feeling the body and it´s energies.

When the mind is calm and silence settle in it, something magical ocurrs, our inner voice wakes up, the nahual voice. The mind is full of ¨things¨, thoughts, belives, habits, lots of them toxic, that drain us energetically. We can educate the mind, shape it, to put it at our service, at our heart´s service.



8´30am. Vegeterian and biological breakfast. Living food.



The water listen, feels and has memory. Our body is almost entirely water. In it lives the memories of our past, printed in our body tissues, like a big book which explains ours life´s history and our ancestors.

We will focus the practice on dissolving the crystallization that limits our lifes. We will connect to the fountain of life, which is the sexual energy from the shamanic aspect, to redirect this energy towards higher centers.

1´30pm. Vegeterian and biological lunch


To awake the living spirit who lives inside us, that sparkle that lives in the depth, the light that illuminates us in dark moments in our lives. Fire is the element of transformation and is our inner fire the one that drives us. Is the will centre. When there´s not enough fire life becomes boring, apathetic, we can even fall into deppresive state. When the fire becomes excessive, we become hyperactive, anxious, being able to reach aggressiveness, for that reason in the Shamanic path, learn to handle the fire is to conquer the power.

We will do practices to activate and to expand the inner fire, from the will. It won´t be easy. Lots of participants thinks that is something easy to achive, but the mind is full of barriers, of protections which limitate us our acces to power. To open this lock just depend on you, the energy is right there, at your fingertips… You have the courage, the decision, let the fire cleanse you and keep moving foward.

Night excursion

In nature everything speaks, in the night lots of spirits awake and they become present, lets to explore the wild nature, to be able to listen, to feel and to mix with it. Have you ever walked alone at night in the forest…?

We like distraccions, the noise, to don´t connect with the loneliness within. The practice we´ll do would not make sense without having done the previous.

Dreaming practices

Everytime we go to sleep we have a new oportunity to enter the world of the dreams. Some shamans says that until you do lucid dream there´s no shamanic path. You can dress up with feathers and play differents instruments, and have lots of knowledge, but the true shamanic path is the dreaming. Learn to dream awake, with more energy we go further.


6´30am. Coffe or tea

7´00am. Field work, voluntary practices.

9´30am Vegetarian and biological breakfast, living food.

Eagle and Condor practices, Grandfathers of the wind.

1´30pm Vegeterian and biological lunch


Granfather wind, invisible spirit that brings the singing of the mountains, the forest and seas. From the breath I reach to the air that nourishes my Being, with my voice i give life to your spirit. When you listen from the silence, the wind tell stories, brings songs and messages from others times. We will move the wind, we´ll call it and we´ll give it live from our body.

Circle of tranformation

Solo practice in nature. Creation of the circle of transformation, our circle is our univers, from that space we create, we manifest our transformation to gather our own power in connection with nature and the elements.


8´00am. Shamanic trance through breathing

A journey to the consciousness to receive the new day with a vision or new energy, because everyday we are a new person and we have the opportunity to do it better, more awake.

From the practice of sustained breathing by the will we expand the energy to be able to travel in our magical fly in the spirit wings.

9´30am. Vegeterian and biological breakfast. Living food.

10´30am. Bath with healing plants ritual

In this ritual the 4 elements are consecrated to clean body and mind, to strengthen our bond with the Spirit. In a simple act which hold all the beauty of the univers.

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The subtle energy of the heart, which is in everything, which touches everything but so softly that

it´s almost imperceptible.

To open this space from the gratitude, no longer requieres affort or understanding,everything found it´s place naturally, fear fades away and life opens up.



1´00pm. Word circle and closure


All that starts has to finish, the important is the learning you take with you. To begin your own knowledge path.


2´00pm. End of the retreat and back home



What should I bring:


­ Warm clothing is very important, the outdoors practices are demanding. A good coat, hat, gloves and trekking boots.

­ Headlamp. We will not use our phone, so bring a lamp to allow you free hands.

­ A belt for the waist and one for the head for the practices, like a sash that we will tie around the waist and the head. Can be any color except white or black.

­ 2 cristal quarz and 2 feathers from any birds.

­ Notebook.




Retreat price; 485€


How do i book my place:


Limited spaces for a reduced group between 15 to 18 participants. To book your reservation you must pay 150€ deposit by 3 ways. The rest of the payment, directly on the day of arrival to the retreat.



Revolute: ES7215830001159026122759 (Antonio Hurtado)

Banco Santander: ES76 0049 3182 7121 1407 0256 (Asociacion Balear de Terapias Naturales)

 Refund of the reservation will be made up to 10 days before the retreat.


Enquires or doubts: +34 607558174 or with pleasure I will assist you (Toni HS Pachamama)

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