Breathing 5-meO-DMT - a neurotransmitter molecule from the glands of Bufo Alvarius, a toad that lives in the Sonara desert (Mexico) - is one of the most profound experiences that a human being can obtain on this planet through any level: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
The glands of the Toad Bufo Alvarius produce a latex called Bufotein. It should be noted that the toad does not receive any damage. That latex is extracted from its glands and dried. The "medicine" is inhaled in a sacred ceremony. Once inside, the body transforms it from "o-methyl-bufoteine" into 5meO-DMT. Getting it to be easily absorbed and capable of crossing the blood barrier of the brain, reaching the brain instantly.
This very special molecule is activated in specific states such as birth, death and sleep. It breaks the chemical filters that the human mind uses to prevent a continuous state of perception, awakening and full awareness. These filters are necessary for our day to day, as they help us function in this three-dimensional reality, limited by space and time.
Taking Bufo Alvarius is a very different experience from taking any other psychoactive such as Ayahuasca, Wachuma, etc ... in the transit or experience with the master plants one is always aware of the process, it is as if one were inside his house reorganizing his own interior, on the other hand, in the experience with the Sapo de Sonora the experience is very different, it is really like leaving the house and when you return you find that the house is different.
Bufo Alvarius sessions last approximately one hour, no prior preparation is necessary, it is important that the participant comes as he is, that he does not create artificial circumstances that could distort the experience, such as diets, abstinence, etc. ., you just have to take into account coming a little light on the stomach so as not to have an unpleasant organic experience.
The experience with the Bufo Alvarius if you allow it can lead you to a space of dissolution of the Ego, an empty space in which the consciousness remains observing that empty space that at the same time is full of an immense light and energy, which Buddhists call the state of emptiness, in a second phase one feels the great unity with everything that exists, a deep feeling of love fills every space of the body that has already been present. It is not something that can be put into words, but this experience puts who we really are in perspective and once the experience is over it gives you the opportunity to reorder your life and become aware of who you really are.
Existen algunos requisitos previos para poder participar de una ceremonia de Bufo Alvarius.
- No haber consumido drogas y/o alcohol al menos 72 horas antes.
- Si están consumiendo algún tipo de medicación es importante informar con tiempo para poder asesorarte correctamente.
Nota: Algunas medicaciones o/y plantas contienen IMAO que pueden producir interacciones no deseadas potenciando los efectos.
- Si estás bajo algún tratamiento es importante que nos informes previamente.
- No comer nada al menos 4 horas antes del encuentro.
- Es importante llegar al encuentro relajado y lleno de energía por lo que te invito a que los días previos cuides tu energía.
There are some prerequisites to be able to participate in a Bufo Alvarius ceremony.
- Not having consumed drugs and / or alcohol at least 72 hours before.
- If they are consuming any type of medication it is important to inform in advance to be able to advise you correctly.
Note: Some medications or / and plants contain MAOIs that can produce unwanted interactions enhancing the effects.
- If you are under any treatment it is important that you inform us in advance.
- Do not eat anything at least 4 hours before the meeting.
- It is important to arrive at the meeting relaxed and full of energy, so I invite you to take care of your energy the previous days.